20 December 2021
We are pleased to bring you the Pembroke Global Citizens Series. This is your opportunity to hear the career stories of our celebrated old scholars.
Victoria McClurg (1992)
Victoria McClurg is a Cheese Architect, qualified winemaker and the Founder of the Barossa Valley Cheese Company. After completing a Bachelor of Science in Oenology at the University of Adelaide, Victoria worked in Bordeaux as a winemaker, leading her to experience the sensory overload that comes with the textures and flavours available in regional France. Upon returning to Australia and pursuing winemaking in the Barossa Valley, Victoria was inspired to begin making regionally authentic Barossa cheese, using single herd dairy to capture the essence of the Valley. Victoria is a regional champion of the Barossa Valley. The Cheesecellar was opened in March 2003 on the main street of Angaston, and accolades came quickly, winning the Australian Grand Dairy Awards in 2006 and 2007! Since then, Victoria has found continued success with numerous state and national awards for her products. She is an active and highly regarded part of the food industry and Barossa community, serving on the board of Food SA and also joining the Barons of Barossa in 2018.
Victoria loves that food has the power to gather people together, augment experiences and create connection. Her work allows the regionalities of the Barossa valley to connect families and friends:
Food is about gathÂerÂing peoÂple togethÂer and that’s what makes me realÂly proud. We can add someÂthing to people’s expeÂriÂence and their feelÂing of their soul. It’s good for your heart and soul and menÂtal space to be havÂing someÂthing that is real, authenÂtic and conÂnects you with your famÂiÂly and conÂnects you with friends.
This sense of community and connection was what she loved most about her time at Pembroke. As an alumni of our Rowing Club and Choirs, she loved the teamwork and connection with others that these activities presented.