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Through the study of English, Pembroke students develop their skills as confident communicators, towards becoming articulate and well-informed citizens capable of acting effectively in a complex world.

English is a core subject at Pembroke at all year levels, and all courses have the appreciation and analysis of language and literature at their heart. Students read, write, view, compose, listen to and deliver a diverse range of texts to develop rich knowledge and understanding of how language operates.

Wider, independent reading is most enthusiastically undertaken by students, and is broadly encouraged by teachers to supplement classroom selections. Excellent, modern library collections and facilities are available to students on all campuses.

Students at all levels experience a wide range of artistic and cultural activities including visiting writers, poets, live theatre performances, and writing workshops. Students also attend the Meet the Writers Festival and participate in many writing competitions at international, national, local and school-based levels.

Junior School

English in the Junior School is taught as part of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme curriculum.

Middle School

In Middle School, all English classes are of mixed ability, with a smaller class available for students with specific learning needs. Various modes of continuous assessment, including oral, written and multimodal, occur in Years 7 to 10, with teachers preparing formative and summative tasks as appropriate. Examinations in English are included from Year 8, ensuring all students are well-prepared across a range of assessment methods for all courses available at senior level.

English as an Additional Language

Students for whom English is not their first language are extremely well-supported at Pembroke, both through English as an Additional Language and the intensive Pembroke Connect Program (which is specifically offered to prepare recently arrived international students for study at 91ÖÆƬ³§).

Senior School

All SACE Stage 1 students study a foundation English subject (English or English as an Additional Language) in their first semester of Year 11, before progressing into their choice of Essential English, English, English as an Additional Language, or Literature in semester 2. SACE Stage 2 students may select from English, English as an Additional Language or English Literary Studies. In the IB Diploma, English is a compulsory subject and is offered at Standard and Higher levels. Pembroke teaches two courses: English A: Literature, and English A: Language and Literature. Our IB students are subscribers to the State Theatre Company, attending many plays throughout the year, providing rich preparation for students’ final examination and provoking much interesting discussion!

Our Year 12 students’ achievements in English are outstanding and we are proud of the numerous subject merits received by Pembroke students in both SACE and IB for each of several recent years.

Thank you for a great day at Pem­broke, speak­ing to your Year 11s. I enjoyed each ses­sion and was impressed with the lev­el of knowl­edge about poet­ry, the thought­ful ques­tions and mature engagement.

Jude Aquilina, visiting poet
Senior students studying