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This week, as we remember the ANZAC soldiers who landed on the shores of the Gallipoli peninsula, we also remember our old scholars who have dedicated their lives to service.

29 April 2021

We will remember them.

Of the 247 King’s College and 36 Girton Girls’ School old scholars who gave their time in service of their country, 19 men lost their lives, or were declared missing in action. As we solemnly remember the 8000+ Australian soldiers that were killed at Gallipoli, including around 2000 Australians who were killed on the morning of 25 April 1915, we look back on the lives of some of these old scholars.

The following is an extract from the Address given by Deputy Principal, Mr Kym Lawry, at Pembroke’s 2021 ANZAC Ceremony:

King’s College old scholar Lindsay Evans was born to parents Percy and Hilda in 1919. He was the third of four children, and lived a happy childhood on the family farm in Keyneton, near Nuriootpa. He attended Keyneton Primary, and as he grew up, became a boarding student at King’s College, one of the two schools that joined to form 91ÖÆƬ³§. He was heavily involved in school sport, excelling in the First XVIII Football, First XI Cricket, winning colours and holding a record in school swimming.

Every member of the Pembroke community will recognize what a familiar arc this is for our students: a young boarder throwing themselves into school life, and representing the School with pride.

Lindsay was only 20 when he enlisted to the AIF (Australian Imperial Force), and was posted to the second 48th battalion. Shortly afterwards, he was promoted to lance/corporal, and then to corporal.

Over the next two years, Lindsay spent time serving in Egypt, Palestine, and Syria. At Tobruk he served with distinction, acting throughout the siege as platoon sergeant.

On July 22, 1942, Lindsay’s battalion was ordered to move forward under heavy fire, but ultimately was forced to withdraw.

Lindsay was killed approximately 12 feet from the enemy position.

The following report of his death is quoted from the account of a private soldier who was with him at the time.

The noise was ter­rif­ic; Ger­man machine guns were spread­ing their fire right across our front. The con­tin­u­ous call for stretch­er bear­ers told of the casu­al­ties. My sec­tion was just cleaned out when I saw anoth­er sec­tion cut down. A lit­tle way for­ward Sergeant Evans was hit twice. He had been doing a mag­nif­i­cent job for his mates and was set­ting a splen­did exam­ple when he was killed. He real­ly was a remark­able man.

Just a few short years after leaving our school, Lindsay’s life was cut short in battle in a foreign land, at 22 years of age. We will remember him.

Mary Hodgetts attended school at Girton Girls’ School, Pembroke’s other founding school, between 1926 and 1935. After school, she enlisted in 1941 to being her service as a Lieutenant in the first Australian Women’s Army Service camp (AWAS), volunteering for Anti-Aircraft to become the first AWAS to receive a commission in the Royal Australian Artillery. She served until her until her discharge in 1945. We will remember her.

We will remember all the men and women who have served, or who are serving, in active duty for our country, and the hundreds of thousands who died in service.

We will remember those from all sides who have lost their lives in war.

We will remember them.

Principal, Mr Luke Thomson, read the following blessing at the conclusion of Pembroke’s 2021 ANZAC Ceremony:

May you be blessed with a restless discomfort
About easy answers, half-truths and shallow relationships,
So that you may seek truth boldly and love deeply from your heart.
May you be blessed with holy anger at injustice, oppression violence and exploitation,
So that you may work tirelessly for justice, freedom and peace among all people.
May you be blessed with the gift of tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, or the loss of all they cherish,
So that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and transform they pain into joy.
And may you be blessed with enough foolishness to believe you really can make a difference in this world,
So that you are able, with the gift of grace, to do what others claim cannot be done, to bring peace and justice to this world.
Let us go in solemn remembrance, in firm commitment, and in peace.

We honour the fallen, these 19 old scholars of King’s College:

Douglas BowmanCecil JonesHickson Skinner
Neil EvanReg LangsfordColin Smith
Lindsay EvansVivian LewisJim Smith
Bob FowlesKevin LoaderBill Stewart
Rowland HillJock McKenzieRobert Wesley Smith
Jack HookingsKen Pearce
Ronald JenkinsJim Rudd