4 March 2021

Tania Sulan (1989)
I chose to support, connect with and mentor women and challenge them to see the value they bring. I challenge men to do the same.
I choose to create and maintain a safe and inclusive workplace where all employees can thrive and their achievements are celebrated.
I chose not to be a bystander and to call out bias in all its forms.

Tessa (Year 2)
I have two Boxer dogs at home called Gus and Billy. When I grow up I want to be a vet because I like being near animals and I want to help them. Vets learn a lot of science and we’ve done one science experiment about the heart at school this year.

Luke Thomson (Principal)
Education is a vital tool to change cultures. This International Women’s Day, I choose to challenge the culture of the mistreatment of women. |

Georgie (Year 12)
This year I am choosing to challenge the way we treat people based on their gender by standing up to inequality and speaking out about ensuring equal opportunities to everyone, no matter their gender. I strive to take action to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and kindness so that we can all achieve whatever we may choose. 

Jane Miller (1995, Chair of the School Board)
It is all too easy to overemphasize what is wrong with the world "out there", and not habitually confront one's own unconscious biases. It is incumbent upon each of us to truly reflect upon our thoughts, language and actions, and to courageously face the confronting reality that for each individual there is room to improve, learn and grow. We need to be self-reflective and life-long learners if we want to inspire change in the world, and above all, we need to be brave and bold as individuals and as a community. In tackling my own unconscious biases, I want to challenge myself and to be challenged.

Kia Sheidow (Head of Middle School)
Our future is dependent on those who are willing to ‘choose to challenge’ to educate others in opening their hearts and minds.