11 May 2021
We’ve estabÂlished the PemÂbroke ComÂmuÂniÂty ScholÂarÂship, which allows stuÂdents to come here who, through finanÂcial or social disÂadÂvanÂtage would not othÂerÂwise have the opportunity.

Our Senior School students came together with the Years 5 & 6s for a special Giving Day lunch, raising $4,666 from the BBQ and other activities coordinated by our Senior Student leaders.
The Senior School fundraiser for Giving Day raised more than we expected... keep watching to find out which teacher took a pie to the face for a good cause!
I think it takes an amazÂing school for a perÂson to truÂly thrive and grow. PemÂbroke helps me do that.