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One day to make a lifetime of difference. Our community rallied together for Pembroke's Giving Day, which took place on 25 March, and raised $375,869 for the Pembroke Community Scholarship. Keep scrolling for highlights!

11 May 2021

Giving Day 2021

Giving Day BBQ fundraiser

We’ve estab­lished the Pem­broke Com­mu­ni­ty Schol­ar­ship, which allows stu­dents to come here who, through finan­cial or social dis­ad­van­tage would not oth­er­wise have the opportunity.

Luke Thomson, Principal
Giving Day 2021

Our Senior School students came together with the Years 5 & 6s for a special Giving Day lunch, raising $4,666 from the BBQ and other activities coordinated by our Senior Student leaders.

The Senior School fundraiser for Giving Day raised more than we expected... keep watching to find out which teacher took a pie to the face for a good cause!

Giving Day 2021

Giving Day BBQ fundraiser

I think it takes an amaz­ing school for a per­son to tru­ly thrive and grow. Pem­broke helps me do that.

Tess (Year 10)
Middle School

Our Middle School students put their whole hearts into this one! With matching gifts, they raised $1,737.80 at their Giving Day casual day.

Giving Day Facebook posts tile 10